Thank you for your visit. I am so pleased you are here.
I am a human first.
I am passionate about supporting others to find sustainable ways to tend to their nervous systems in order to thrive in this busy world.
After several years working in the fashion, jewellery and publishing industries and burn out I undertook training firstly as a therapeutic Counsellor and over the years have added to my portfolio of Integrative therapy.
I am an Integrative and intuitive wellbeing therapist and self care expert. I am an integrative psychotherapist, clinical hypnotherapist and a BACP registered integrative counsellor. I am also a mindfulness and meditation teacher, yoga and face yoga teacher, advanced EFT (tapping) therapist and yoga & face yoga teacher. I am qualified in facial reflexology. I am trained in EMDR and NLP practices. I am a creative mindfulness coach (it means I can use mindfulness strategies to help children and young people…and adults!).
I am a qualified Eco therapist and offer ‘Chai & Wander/ Wonder’ sessions (these are walk & talk sessions involving lots of chai if that is required! ). I am also a gentle release and EnerQi practitioner which use the model of traditional Chinese medicine as its foundation to support with whole mind body rejuvenation. I am trained in the therapeutic use of colour and sound and work creativity using different modalities to aid the therapeutic process. It’s all about the relationship which is person centred based on congruence - that means I work on a programme in harmony with your needs.
I support people from all stages of life with their wellbeing, to find success in self care, guide them through the challenges we all face and to help them make connections with their mindbody (I refer to it as mindbody as it is all connected). I support them to find balance through The Sensory Journey.
I have guided many people along their journeys whether it has been through one to one support with children & young people, adults & couples or group work - it has been an honour.
Image by Hester Barnes